Spencerian Analysis (Intensive Class)
/ Elegant Spencerian
12 Sessions (Total 30 hours)
About the Course
/ Intermediate - Advanced
Spencerian was developed by Platt. R. Spencer, the father of Spencerian Penmanship in 19th century. This is an intensive class where we will understand the history of Spencerian Penmanship, the hand and arm movement, the use of the technique with our senses, the connection of its strokes and letterform with nature, how to move your hand with flow naturally, adding elegance in the shading and spacing naturally, how to look and understand the letterform in details, how to see the letterform using multiple methods, the technique of pen/nib tilting/manipulation and how to work on the light hand.
In this class you will also learn to know the why and how to make the 'oomph'.
This class is an intensive class, suitable for those who are learning for IAMPETH Certification Program.
It is recommended that you have already known the basics in pointed pen calligraphy. This class is designed for students who have just begun pointed pen calligraphy or Spencerian Script or for those who are planning to pursue the IAMPETH certification of Spencerian Script.
You will Learn
/ Elegant Spencerian
The details of the basic strokes by analyzing the lowercase and uppercase letterform of traditional Spencerian Script from the very beginning, including:
Techniques in sitting positions, hand movement, writing positions and pen grip.
The historic structures and variations in the script.
How to modify the 'soft angular turn' in the letterform.
Letterform composition, algorithm, design and how to apply it naturally.
Different techniques and methods.
Shading and Spacing in-depth.
The oval theory application in letterform and movement writing.
Different kind of movements other than movement writing.
Pen and nib tilting / manipulation in letterform.
Techniques of movement writing with natural ease.
How to practice the light hand and use your personal method to practice.
How to modify the historic hand and adapt to the modern hand.
Develop and create your own practice and methods.
The classes can be separated between the lowercase and uppercase in a group class.
Class Fee:
Lowercase Class Fee: AUD 350,- / 4 days (Total 12 hours)
Uppercase Class Fee: AUD 350,- / 4 days (Total 12 hours)
Bundled Lowercase & Uppercase Fee: AUD 625,- (Total 24 hours)